Decker #139: Sealer

I inadvertently forgot to get some pics of me staining this piano. It's probably for the best anyway since I would have either dropped my phone or gotten stain all over it, lol.After staining I spent a few hours of touch-up time taking care of the damaged areas on the case.The sealer went on good. The color is right where it should be for this piano. I believe this is the color of the piano when new. I will let the sealer sit a day then block sand and topcoat. I will add the new Decker & Son decal.imageimageimageimageimageThe legs have some bad spots on them that I will be addressing over the next few days. I think the color however is spot on. Getting the legs to match the rest of the piano can be tricky most of the time because piano manufacturers usually made the legs out of something different than the rest of the piano.imageimageimageGetting the sealer down. Had a few trouble spots where the previous owner really laid down the polish really thick. This caused me to go back and start from scratch on one piece it was so bad. I have an additiveimageI use in the paint when these problems pop up so the next time thru I used it on everything to head off any future trouble.imageimageimageSo now while that's drying I will work on finishing the original plate molding. It's pretty neat to handle intricate work created 150 years ago! This survived the disassembly so I will finish it as well so it can be reused. This usually is so brittle it breaks during disassembly.image


Knabe #141: Assembly


Decker & Son Square Grand #139